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Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Dear maraneelrubiote.kalimetekeke,
It is my humble pleasure in bringing to your doorstep, the very best of loan financing investment options from Severn Funding and Investment Ltd.

We understand the challenges of getting approved for a loan with a less than stellar credit score and history for indusstries like yours. This is why we have specialized for many years in serving and processing the approval of loans for individuals who don't have such credit scores. We offer business loans, housing loans, and so many others as well as cover all your loan needs with an exciting interest rates and effortless payment plans.

We are diligently working towards expanding our international portfolio globally and funding projects in form of debt financing from $1 Million and above.

This Funding program allows a client to enjoy low interest payback for as low as 3 - 4% per annum for a period of 8-9 years. We can also approve personal and business loans from the tune of $155,000.00 USD to $7,000,000,000.00 USD depending on the nature of business. We currently provide funding for:

* Start-Up Franchise
* Business Acquisition
* Business Expansion
* Contract Execution
* Commercial Real Estate purchase

Also because Severn Funding and Investment Limited has you covered.

*We introduce to you our "Crypto Forex Trade Platform" how it works?

When you invest an amount for a certain duration, you are entitled to a particular range of earnings for example, from 79%

to 88% of your investment for 5 days a week, after which you receive the first payment. Subsequently, it depends on the

customer's need. This profit is reinvested back into the trade to earn more money. This is repeated for a month.

Upon your request, a second withdrawal order will be raised for (customer).

N/B: You will be asked to present your identity document for confirmation upon account creation.

Our goal is to be able to help everyone as much as possible, regardless of what your credit report has to say. We didn't establish our company to discriminate.

We would be happy to receive your Executive Summary/ Project Plan as well as accepting an NDA. It is our firm resolve to diligently participate in any viable project of your choice with a view of financing and providing soft loans for such.

E-mail your projects summary to us at: nareshkayestha@gmail.com

Naresh Kayestha

Project Finance Facilitator

Severn Funding and Investment Ltd

USA Address: First Floor, Right Wing

1036 S Main St Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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